head DICK H's BLOG ---one mans opinion: 05/19/06

Friday, May 19, 2006

AMERICA WAS FOUNDED ON THE RULE OF LAW!!! We have more indiviuals imprisoned, for breaking a law, than any nation in the world. As citizens, we are all aware, something as minor as a parking ticket is a violation of our laws. Now our country is divided on what is referred to as an immigration issue. WRONG!! Immigration is when a person leaves one country to settle in another country legally. Migration is when one across's national borders without complying with the legal requirements. This is a violation of the law. It's really simple isn't it? Well let us say it is simple until the political, corporate, and hispanics enter the equation. The politics are two fold. Karl Rove,and the President, designed the strategy prior to the President being the Governor of Texas. The more they could do for the illegals the more of the Hispanic vote the Republicans could achieve. They have been very sucessfull having received forty percent of their vote in 2004. Strike1. Now their often referred base, the religeous right, wants the borders enforced and the law honored. I don't find myself alligned often with the extreme right however; I have zero difficulty with their postion on this issue. Strike 2. Now enter the big hitters, corporate America with large bankrolls. Their postion is bring them on, we want,and need, an abundance of cheap labor. But let us not forget their humanitarians. Their song and dance is to enable these people to escape poverty. Need they be reminded that 37 million Americans are officially in poverty. Have they read the predictions of the experts? 54 million more of our citizens are one unexpected financial problem from falling into the same pit. Very few,if any,can serve three masters. You would think his involvement in baseball would have taught him THREE STRIKES AND YOUR OUT. I have heard many speculate on how to solve the migration problem but I have yet to here what I think would be the answer. However I do know that I don't believe 6000 Gaurdman, without weapons, is any more than red meat for their base. Hopefully the voters will remind Congress, THREE STRIKES AND YOUR OUT. Tags Permalink. one america committee,tpmcafe

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