head DICK H's BLOG ---one mans opinion: 07/14/06

Friday, July 14, 2006

If America was a enterprise, instead of a republic, and George W. was the CEO, he would be doing the same as he did prior to being a Governor. The buisness would be going down the tubes. Read every major newspaper in the morning and ask your self the following question. Has the country ever been in such a mess? Look for a negative story on the following subjects. There will be a gradual drawdown on the troops in Iraq, followed by we are going to have to send more troops over to get involved in Bagdad. Isreal and Lebanon heading for their second major war in fifteen years. President names Iran as being the mother of this latest encounter as the one providing weapons to Hezblllah a weaponless terroist group. Syria is the one funneling assets into Al Quida. Democracy in Iraq will flow through the middle east. America now hated, or disliked, by the majority of the world. Would you say our foriegn policiy is on a role? Then there is N.Korea. ratteling their saber blades on nukes. And guess what? We haven't discussed anything with them since November.

The Wilsons sue Cheney, Rove and Libby on charges that Fitzgerald hasn't investigated. Corruption keeps rearing its ugly head almost daily. Haliburton overcharges government one Billion dollars and we are now going to competive bidding Government seizing Abrahmoff's attorneys records. What is the latest on the lobbying reform they where to inact. Bush reaches compromise on wire tapping. Supreme court knocks down prisoner problem. He is blowing about having Congress change the law. The President, and others, want to grant,what should be called amenisty, to an unknown amount of illegal immigrants. Opponents blame buisness for wanting status quo so they continue having low wages. Gasoline at record prices and predicted to go higher. Food suppliers have to increase prices just to cover fuel costs. GM and Ford announce record plant closings and massive layoffs. 37 Million citizen officialy on poverty. 54 million, so called middle class one financial casualty from falling into poverty. Foreclosures hit record highs and expected to increase in 2006. Americans personally owe over two trillon, the goverment has the fourth highest deficit on record. Everyone own a piece of us and we are to expected to be the worlds keepers. Now we are starting to play more political football with stem cell research. As well, as loosing a billion or two ,where do the victims of Kartina come into play. Will the justice department investigate the insurance industry, which is needed, to determine if Katrina was a flood or hurricane. and now we are going to slash and scrub over medicare. They have no respect for the law, the constitution or the Republican Party. Maybe this will motivate the voters to change the face of our Congress.

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