Sunday, April 30, 2006
Being from Tennessee i decided to send the majority leader an e-mail tonight. I had a desire to let him know my opinion on his giagantic $100.00 rebate. Now the first item discovered, unlike most senators ,Our Senators Alexander and Frist don't list their addresses. So I made the decision not to waste thirty nine cents on regular mail. Now when you are from the south you become adjusted to the thought of none of us are to bright. Our majority leader certaintly fits that profile. When you are running for President you want to promise every constitutent some type of an answer. Now for two tanks of gas he wants to open our Alaska land to exploration. Even this old boy knows how bad of a trade this would be. I read an article in a paper called the Washington Post today that said the good ol fellows in Congress were getting their ears full over their recent weekend trips, some do go home instead of the golf course. Those oil boys in the White House might not do a very good job of running our affairs. But I just bet they know where odds are good all over to find more liquid gold. Oh well not much to hope for other than getting some new faces in Congress come November. In the mean time if your Senator has an address just send him a little note and give him your thoughts. Dick Hemmert